Thursday, 23 October 2008
pisut pikemalt möödunud kahest päivast.
Niisiis. Peale pühapäeva lõppu, ma siirdusin magama. Magasin kuni hommikul kella viieni ja ärkasin siis. Taaskord läksin kooli. Olin Eelmisel päeval emale teinud rahaülekande, see tähendab üleeelmisel ja lootsin siiralt, et ülekantud summa jõuab ka pärale. Kohal ei ole ta aga siiani. Koolipäev möödus nagu ikka. Ehk siis koolis käik ja goalballi trenn. Seekord olin kusjuures tublim kui ennemalt. Teisipäeval siis läksin kooli. Teadmisega et olen oma diktofoni koju unustanud, kui peaks täna midagi juhtuma, siis ma seda salvestada ei saa ja juhtuski! Peale koolipäeva lõppu läksime emaga muusikapoodi ja lihtsalt ostsime ära korg r3, millele lisaks proovisime õekesele ostmiseks ka digitaalklavereid. Pill karbis, siirdusin koju, oodates samas siiralt, et millal saan juba pilli karbi avamise kallale asuda. Kodus see siis tehtud saigi, adrenaliini tõstmiseks seda kõikvõimalikel viisidel edasi lükates. Pill on väike ja armas.
Nekem van egy korg r3.
Ma lihtsalt kirjutasin selle siia, et see siin oleks. Ega ma suurt ungari keeles ei kirjuta veel. Räägitud saab juba küll ja see on nagu kõige olulisem. Alles kolmapäeva hommikul avastasin, et diktokas oli mul läpaka kotis ja salvestada oleks saand küll. Mõelge milline tünn mulle osaks sai!!!
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Pühapäev on. Käed on hommikusest trennist krampis. Trenn koduses treeningsaalis hakkab toimuma 4 korda nädalas. Täna vinnasin üles 30 kilost raskust ja seda kokku 30 korda. Tunni jooksul, sinna kõrvale sai ka muud tehtud.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Laupäev on oma otsi kokkutõmbamas. Teha pole suurt midagi ja päev on peale hommikust kooliskäiku kulgenud oma rada mööda. Läksime veel viimast korda proovima korg r3, et lahkuda poest kindla sooviga see järgmisel korral sinna naastes ära osta.
Laupäev on oma otsi kokkutõmbamas. Teha pole suurt midagi ja päev on peale hommikust kooliskäiku kulgenud oma rada mööda. Läksime veel viimast korda proovima korg r3, et lahkuda poest kindla sooviga see järgmisel korral sinna naastes ära osta.
Et siis on laupäev. Klassivennad röögivad kõrval ja vahetund kestab vaid viis minutid. Muidugi ka tunnid kestavad vaid 35 minutit. Ah jaa, unustasin mainida, et olen koolis, et siis me teeme ette seda reedet 24. oktoobrit, sest neljapäeval nagu te teada võiksite on 23. oktoober vist ja seega on meil siin 1956. aasta revolutsiooniürituse aastapäev. Nii et panen oma Ungari patriootilise vaimu valmis, katsun selleks ajaks hümni pähe õppida ja olen korralik kodanik. Teine tund on matemaatika. Ei mingit lebotamist, sest mata õpetaja on otsustanud sellelt 35 minutilt maksimumi võtta. Mitte aga päris, sest ta, nagu kõik teised õpetajad, hilineb alatasa tundidesse.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Koolinädalast siis ka veitsa
Teate! Ma ei viitsi ausalt enam inglise keeles kirjutada. Ehkki see võib olla huvitav, on mu emakeel siiski eesti keel. Seepärast ka kirjutan selles. Inglise keelseid tõlkeid postitan edaspidi aga kuskile mujale, et saaks kindlalt vahet tehtud, kus on inglise ja kus eesti keelsed blogid.
Pisut siis ka möödunust.
Taaskord on tehtud nii palju, et sellest ei ole enam võimalik kirjutada. Käisime näiteks möödunud nädalavahetusel perekonna suvilas Ürges. Seal veetsime öö vastu pühapäeva ja tegime igasuguseid huvitavaid asju. Küpsetasime kartulit, liha ja muud. Jõime bálinkat ja muid jooke, mis apa sünnipäeva tähistamiseks olid kohale toodud. Õhtul läksime tagasi koju, kusjuures teele jäi linna parim jäätise kohvik. Kust nii mõndagi võeti kaasa. Teine selle nädala tipphetk oli kolmapäev. Siis mindi lõbustusparki, kus ära sai proovitud kõik suuremad asjad. Lõppudelõpuks sai mu südamel sellest sedavõrd paha, et kui astusime välja trollist, millega olime sõitnud kooli poole ja teised parasjagu liikumise pealt juttu vestsid, pidin hetkeks peatuma ning seega sai Budapesti linnale selgeks tehtud, mis oli minu lõunasöök. Asfalt sai sellest kindlasti aru ja ema ka, sest ütles, et sa sõid vist lõunaks tomatit. Õigus tal ka oli, aga fakt on see, et Budapestis on nüüd tehtud juba kõike, mida eestis igal aastal ei tehta.
Kas tekib tahtmine naerda? Jätke kohe järele! Te ei kujuta ette, kui paha mul enne ropsimist oli, aga peale seda oli kohe oluliselt parem. Võin teile seda kinnitada.
Praegu istun tunnis ja kirjutan. Seda selle asemel et kuulata majanduse õpetaja minu arvates mõtetud loengut.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
The first 2 weeks at school
The first 2 weeks at school have passed now. I don't know what to write so special and hitting. Every morning I wake between 5 and 5:15, eat an apple and take some sandwitches to the school. the road to the school lasts for an hour, because I have to go half an hour with the bus and then a bit with the metro and trolli.
I can't work very mutch in my lessens. The only lessen I get something from is my english lesson and history. The english teacher is told to speak even more in english after my arrival. The history teacher now makes half of the lesson in English, so that I get anything that is necessary.
In the evening we always do something interesting. Listen to music, go outside etc.
I eat a lot and drink around 5 cups of tea per day. I feel like I'm even starting to gain some kilograms after many years, although it might also be an illusion.
Sounds like sanatorium huh? The life is not so beautiful as it seems. I curse sometimes that I have a laptop with internet, so I don't listen a lot in the lessons.
Szia sztok
I want time and understanding
I've left so many things unwritten, that it's truely a horror. I just now understood that there's people who seriously want to know what I'm doing and how I am. I should use more time, not to keep it for myself. If I would always do something necessary, I would feel better. But this is an If-then sentence and it's true only if all conditions are met.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
A longer discription of the first 2 weeks.
So. Let's gather ourselves here and try to write a blog article on the subject of first 2 weeks.
So begins the adventure of ssárkány, an Estonian blind freak who had enough of his country and who decided to go abroad and see some far related nations. For this, Hungary was a perfect choice. Be prepared magyars, here I am!
Let it be noted here, that the English version is certainly going to contain lot's of mistakes, so don't bash me for this.
Szerda - 10.09.2008
It's 4 o'clock in the morning. The trip from home lasted for an hour. I haven't slept, because the rush of adrenaline struck me only in the last evening, with it's entire fource it had to offer. The departure time of the flight to Prag was about 5:20 and it lasted for an hour and 50 minutes. But before this a typical goodbye from the parents. Nothing special, just a small hug and then through the check-in. The airport of Talllinn had organised an assisstant for me. So I sat there and waited for the ironmade winged angel.
A similar assistant helped me in prag also, but the difference was that the Estonian assistant was a small and young man, but the Check assistant was a large and massive middle-aged slavonian. Then I went to the Budapest plane, which travelled to buda a bit longer than an hour. The assistant in Budapest was attila.
Szerda nap - Budapest.
In the Budapest airport Gábi, the director of YFU Hungary was waiting for me. Let it be noted that it was Gábriela, not Gabor as one might think when usually hearing the word Hungary.
After this we went to pick up another Chinese girl from the trainstation. She arrived from Seged and had had for this time a day or 2 for getting used to Hungarian lifestyle. Well I had not had these fine days, but I still didn't feel myself like I was thrown into the water at an unknown place. The day was spent attending a meating in the office of yfu. There lots of different things where discussed, starting from Hungarian history and ending with a short summary of Hungarian language, including some school slang.
About 3 o'clock my Mother came to receive me from the office of YFU and my exchange year had got a good start.
I don't remember exactly about what we were speaking with family this day, but I went to sleep quite early and sleep came very easily.
csütörtök - 11.09.2008
I woke up very early in the morning. At first we visited school and got to know my classmates and the form teacher.
The next stop was the office of immigrational affairs, where we applied for the my permission to stay in Hungary.
My idea was to get myself a Hungarian bank account and a telephone number.
The entire day we visited different offices and places, including Teszkó, where we tried kürtős kolágy, or that's the way I think it's being written.
I generally like it.
Péntek - 12.09.2008
On friday I visited the blind-school in budapest, where my mother works as a maths and chemistry teacher.
I made lots of friends and learnt many new words. After this we went to look for a synthesizer for the family children. I just asked if the synth Korg r3 is available there, and we were directed to another shop, where I saw this little analog beast. PS. I'm planning to buy this little thing, because it's cheeper here than in Estonia.
I wasn't unfortunately able to record this instrument, because the batteries went out on wednesday.
Szombat - 13.09.2008
The morning wake up was a bit later than usually. the plan for the day was to go to a cottage in the middle of Duna. there are such islands where we can have this kind of houses.
There was a new gate, which we painted. Among other things we organised a open-air lunch, and a walk around the area.
After the tasks were complete, we went home and worked in the garden.
The flowers needed water and we gave it to them.
Vásárnap - 14.09.2008
On this day we woke up earlier. We went to the other cottage of the family, which is much larger than the first one. The plan of the day included the gathering of various fruits, sawing woods and making fire outside.
All this done we went home and had a dinner. The day ended with everyone drifting away to the road of dreams. From this point begins the first schoolweek, but about this a bit later.
starting of translation. The first part of the adventures of sárkány.
Szia. Let's write a piece of text about the adventures of sárkany. It's been almost 4 days sinse I came here, but so mutch things have happened that that it's now almost impossible to write them down. I've learnt lot's of hungarian words, but I can't chat with my family yet, because only the mother speaks english. For example I tried the korg r3 synthesizer. Lot's of things have been done, and more things are coming. So stay tuned.
ps. This transcription doesn't intend to directly translate the original post. It's here just to give a quick summary of the first and small blog post.
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